Friday 28 March 2014

new formula

hey guys.i have always put facts on animals etc.but now.......i am gonna put things on tech and games!
look at the newest tech!!!!

the animals that run faster than race cars..........cheetah!

  1. Scientific nameAcinonyx jubatus
  2. Height66 – 94 cm (At Shoulder, Adult)
  3. RankSpecies
  4. Gestation period90 – 98 d
  5. Tail length60 – 84 cm (Adult)
  6. Speed93 km/h (Running, Hunting), 112 – 120 km/h (In Short Bursts, Running)
  7. Mass21 – 72 kg (Adult), 0.2 – 0.3 kg (Newborn, Indoor at birth)