Friday 28 March 2014

new formula

hey guys.i have always put facts on animals etc.but now.......i am gonna put things on tech and games!
look at the newest tech!!!!

the animals that run faster than race cars..........cheetah!

  1. Scientific nameAcinonyx jubatus
  2. Height66 – 94 cm (At Shoulder, Adult)
  3. RankSpecies
  4. Gestation period90 – 98 d
  5. Tail length60 – 84 cm (Adult)
  6. Speed93 km/h (Running, Hunting), 112 – 120 km/h (In Short Bursts, Running)
  7. Mass21 – 72 kg (Adult), 0.2 – 0.3 kg (Newborn, Indoor at birth)

Friday 27 September 2013

fact of the week

Did you know that on July 21st 1983, the coldest temperature ever on the planet earth was recorded at a frightening 128.6 degrees fahrenheit below zero (-89.2  ÂșC) in Antarctica by Soviet scientist at the Vostok expedition station

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Fascinating facts

1 At a stretch of 2,43,792km,Canada has the longest coastline than any other country in the world.

2 Mars ,at around 225 million km away from the Sun ,has a 27000 m high mountain,an extinct volcano called Olympus Mons which is more than 3 times higher than the Mount Everest.

3 Abell  2029 cluster is the biggest galaxy ,which is 80 times bigger than our Milky Way.

4 Hair is the fastest growing part of the body.

5 The human heart beats approximately 100,000 times a day.

6 A dragonfly's eyes contain 30,000 lenses.

7 A Shimps  heart is in its head.

Thursday 7 March 2013

big cats

1.Cheetahs,lions,tigers.etc are all big cats.

2.Cheetahs are the only big cats that cannot retract it's claws  

3.Leopards sleep 16 hours a day. 

4.Big cats roar they can't purr

4.4.Big cats roar they can't purr

Tuesday 26 February 2013


1.a cheetah is faster than mostly sports cars.

2.the speed of light is 299,792 meteres per second,186,282 miles per second.

Thursday 7 February 2013